Costa Rica San Diego Anaerobic Natural

Sale price Price $22.00 Regular price

tropical fruit, hibiscus, strawberry jam

Producer: Small lot holders

Area: Tarrazu

Altitude: 1,450- 1,750  meters

Variety: Caturra, Catuai 

Processing: Anaerobic Natural, Lactic 

Considered to be the most modern and capable mill in the country, San Diego has excelled in many ways as a catalyst for the beneficial evolution and innovation needed to push boundaries in the industry. What exists today provides true origin-specific profiles of the highest degree, and now, with high impact processing methods involved there is much to be excited for as a flavor seeker. This lot begins with Caturra and Catuai varieties grown from 1450-1750 meters in the Tarrazu region of Costa Rica by local small lot holder producers. The mill accepts the highest Brix content cherries and places them in an anaerobic setting to build lactic acid. The fermentation that is initialized feeds off of the high sugar content of the coffee cherries and returns an intensity of flavor to the seed that lends to the intense saturation of flavor when finally brewed. Enjoy notes of tropical fruits, hibiscus and strawberry jam.